
Love My World

#React #MERN #GCP

personal project, designed web app that allows users to find causes and crises in the world that they care about and ways to help and donate to those areas.


Stock Recommendation via Twitter Analysis

#Data Analysis #Hadoop #Pig #Spark #AWS

partner project, used Hadoop, Pig, and Spark on an AWS EC2 cluster to clean and analyze Google search term data and perform sentiment analysis on Twitter data related to popular stocks.


#React #MERN

group project, designed front-end user experience for room-share app with React Native.


Air Guitar Jacket with Arduino

#Arduino #Processing #PureData

personal project, designed a jacket to play any sound in over 40 chords using Arduino, Processing, and Pure Data.

Event Syndicator

#React #MongoDB #MERN #AWS

personal project, designed web app that syndicates events posted by a user to Eventbrite through their API. Created with MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. Hosted on AWS EC2 instance.

Note Recorder Application for iOS

#Swift #Objective-C #iOS

group project, designed visualization and tools for editing and annotating recorded sound files with Swift and Objective-C.

Note Recorder Application for iOS

Electing the President Web and Android Application

#IBMWatson #Android Studio

group project, worked with IBM Watson to manage corpus of data to help inform voters.

Paint Pad


personal project, design and implementation to choose brush strokes, color, and and for digital painting.


✧2021 all rights reserved.